Contact Information
Father Keith Bristow - 01252 321517
Revd Carol Monk - 01252 313239
Church Office
01252 331161 - Open Monday-Thursday 9.30am-12noon. Please leave a message if the office is closed and we will get back to you. Or email
Church Wardens:
Linda Tallon - please contact via the Church Office
Maria Luff - please contact via the Church Office
Pastoral Assistants:
Sheila Taylor 01252 338736
Ceri Hurcombe 01252 682493
Contact: Judith Parker on 01252 320370
Practices are on Wednesday evenings 7:30-9pm. New members are always welcome!
Mothers Union
Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 2:30pm and on the last Monday of each month @ 8:00pm
Both in the St. Peter’s Centre.
St Peter’s Flower Guild
Always looking for people to join them! Contact: Heather Hillman 07757 472006
St Peter’s Choir
Contact: Mary Lamont 01252 657729
Safeguarding Officer
Anne Wilson 01252 750282 or