Prayer is not only an integral part of our relationship with God but also a means of supporting those close to us and the wider world. Answered prayer can invigorate us to move forward in life, bring relief to suffering, provide calm in times of trouble but most importantly it brings us into dialogue with God.
There are many ways in which you may like to pray with others at St Peter's.
- Prayers are an important part of all our services. If you attend a service and wish for someone to pray with you afterwards please speak to the clergy before or after the service.
- The Persecuted Church Prayer Group meets monthly and welcomes new members. For more information contact Barbara Rose on 07761 808 727
Private prayer is also very important and gives us each the opportunity to take time out to be with God.
The Church of England has some useful topical prayers which you may find helpful. These are themed to meet yours or a loved ones needs and include bereavement, illness etc.