If you are planning to get married, and you live in Ash, or you or your family have or have had a connection with Ash in the past, we would love to talk to you about having your wedding at St Peter’s.
When we arrange your wedding with you we want to meet you and talk in person about what we can offer and how we can help to make your wedding day the very special occasion that you are looking forward to. We ask you to come to see us initially on any of the following Wednesday evenings
29th May, 26th June, 31st July, 28th August, 27th September, 30th October, 27th November, 18th December 2024
between 6pm and 7pm at St Peter’s Centre, which is opposite the church. You don’t need an appointment, just turn up.
When we meet we’ll talk to you about the legal requirements for marriage, take details for the marriage records, help you begin to think about hymns and music and the order of service, and let you know the costs. We can take care of the flower arrangements in church if you wish, offer the services of an organist, and arrange to have the bells rung as you leave the church as husband and wife!
After that first meeting we will invite you to a preparation evening which will be attended by some of the other couples getting married around the same time. This will be on a mutually convenient date for approximately 1½ hours, usually a few months before the wedding. Finally, a few days before the wedding, we will invite you to come to church for a rehearsal so that you can be a bit more relaxed on the day.
You don’t need us to tell you how big a step it is to get married and that’s why, as a Church, we are committed to giving couples who come to us for their wedding all the support and advice they need. We believe that marriage is a wonderful gift from God and that, with His blessing, He can help couples grow even closer together in love for one another and also grow closer to Him. We know that God wants the very best for you in your marriage, because, when His Son Jesus went to a wedding and the wine ran out, not only did he miraculously turn a lot of water into more wine for them, He made sure that that wine was the very best! Jesus always wants the best for us!
So, if you have a date in mind, please come and see us early on in your planning, otherwise you may be disappointed if someone else has the same idea! We can take bookings well in advance, all we ask is that if your plans do change for any reason, you let us know sooner rather than later so that we can try to accommodate any others who enquire about that date. Be assured, though, that once you have booked, we won’t ask you to change it.
Please note that at present, we don’t marry people who have been divorced and whose previous partner is still living. However, in those circumstances we can offer you a service of prayer and blessing after a civil marriage – we are happy to talk to you about the details.
You can find out lots more information about weddings on the Church of England website, they also offer help with planning the service and choosing hymns and readings.